All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Kage Baker

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Sky Coyote
by Kage Baker
Facilitator Joseph is quite a guy. He's sailed with the Phoenicians, and he's been an Egyptian priest, an Athenian politician, and secretary to a Roman senator. After all, his employer, the twenty-fourth-century Company, sends immortal cyborgs like Joseph all over the world and all over time. But now Joseph finds himself in 1699, in the Mayan jungle's Lost City (actually a spa for the Company's operatives) with his protegee, the Botanist Mendoza, who still hasn't forgiven him for that unfortunate incident in Elizabethan England. And he has to save an ancient people from encroachment by the coming white men -- even if it means convincing the entire pre-Columbian village to step into the future.
Second the Company series. The whole series is relatively diverse, but this one deserves special attention. Protagonist was originally a caveman given immortality. The story focuses on the pre-Columbian Chumash people.
race, setting, multiple culture, , race Indigenous, South American 1999 Adult

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